clover's furry stuff

hello and welcome to clover's pony corner! on this section of the site you can expect to see lots of ramblings about plastic horses, namely from 1982 to 2005. i collect primarily my little pony toys from g1 (spanning 1982-1992) and g3 (2003-2009), and have lots of information/thoughts/ramblings i like unleashing unto the world regarding them...

expect these opinion pieces to be very laid back and at times based entirely on personal preference!!! that's why you'll seldom see me bring up g4, g2, etc... i also try to ensure that i have pictures and images to go alongside my ramblings but i suggest you google stuff anyway because it's fun to look at (:


i thought i would kick off the pony corner with a very fun and divisive question in the mlp sphere, which is.... which gen is the best anyway?! it's a question with no clear answer, even though a lot of late-stage mlp fans would have you believe otherwise... yes there will be some g4 supremacist slandering in this opinion piece... you have been warned!!!

i guess we should lay the groundwork by establishing that i think the 'best' generations of mlp are g1 and g3! of course, 'best' is a term that'll be in huge quotations throughout because it's a matter of personal preferece and yadda yadda yadda... but as a person who is primarily a collector and is preoccupied with the quality and creativeness of what mlp originally was (a toy brand!), i see these two gens as the pinnacle of the franchise. as for which one is better out of the two??? well i have some complicated feelings on that... more on that later.
